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Restore Your Property and Belongings After a Flood

7/19/2024 (Permalink)

Ceiling collapsed after storm in a commercial building, pieces of ceiling tiles all over the floor. Concept storm damage Storm damage in Oklahoma City, OK

Cleaning up after a flood in your Oklahoma City, OK, business can seem overwhelming, but with preparation and planning, you can steadily deal with the damage. Reach out to available resources and take the following content cleaning steps to get your business back on track.

Focus on Safety First

There are several significant risks when dealing with water in the workplace. Before you start any cleanup effort, protect yourself and those around you from potential hazards.

  • Turn off the gas and electricity.
  • Use appropriate protective gear, such as gloves, boots, and masks.
  • Contact flood cleanup professionals immediately if you suspect black water.
  • Remove water as quickly as possible.

Whether water trickled into your building or rushed in quickly, there's a potential for damage to the foundation, walls, floors, windows, and other structural components. Before stepping onto a weakened floor, make sure there aren't dangerous structural damages.

Document Water Damage for Your Insurance

After taking care of your first priorities, it's important to document damages for your insurance company. Take photographs or video of the damages to your building. These should be taken before you start to clean up any of the flood damage.

Identify DIY Work and Professional Work

You can take care of a lot of cleaning and damage, but some of the work should be completed by professionals. For example, soggy books and papers, damaged artwork, and furnishings may require the specialized care that professionals provide. Your insurance company may prefer that you turn all of the cleanup over to these technicians. Professional-strength cleaners and disinfectants remove layers of dirt and slow or prevent the growth of diseases from black water contamination.
There are many surfaces and materials in your building that require specialized content cleaning efforts. Protect your property from lasting damages, such as mold growth and structural damages, by taking prompt action, working with your insurance company, and determining which tasks to turn over to professionals.

Steps to Take When Your Water Heater Leaks

7/9/2024 (Permalink)

Closeup of a rusty and leaking water heater A leaking water heater can cause a lot of damage if it isn't addressed quickly.

A leaking water heater can cause a lot of damage if it isn't addressed quickly. Water damage restoration specialists can clean up the water, mitigate damage and prevent mold growth as a result of a failed water heater.


A broken water heater can inflict damage in several ways:

  • Structural damage
  • Deteriorating building materials
  • Mold growth
  • Electrical wiring damage

If your water heater in Arcadia, OK, is leaking, you need to contact an emergency restoration service that can get there fast.

Drying Process
The restoration service will first remove all water, thoroughly drying the area. Depending on the amount of flooding from the leaking water heater, they may have to use submersible pumps or vacuums to remove the flooding. After the water has been pumped out of the building, they will use fans to ensure that all surfaces dry fully.
You can help by removing wet objects and taking them outside as soon as you notice the flooding. You can also open doors and windows to help the space dry faster. If the water may be in contact with any part of an electrical circuit, you could be electrocuted if you make contact with the water. If this is the case, do not touch the water. Wait for professionals to arrive.

Mold Treatment
Mold grows quickly in moist environments and could be harmful to the building and its inhabitants. After the area has been dried, the restoration service will clean every surface with antibacterial sprays. This will kill any mold that has already formed, stop further growth and prevent future damage.

Structural Damage
If needed, the repair service will repair any structural damage from the flood. This could include things like damaged drywall or weakened wood beams.
When your business in Arcadia, OK, encounters flooding from a leaking water heater, you need an emergency restoration service to mitigate damage. They will dry the area, treat for mold and repair structural damage.

When To Do Maintenance on Your Furnace

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Electrician working on wires Furnace repair

Preventative fire cleaning on your home furnace in Waterloo, OK, is important to ensure it functions correctly and doesn’t cause fire damage. While many people suggest hiring a maintenance professional to inspect annually, there are some things you can do yourself as well to ensure you system runs efficiently.

Replace Filters Regularly

Dirt can be a big problem for heating and cooling systems, by lowering efficiency and burning extra fuel. Keep the system clean by vacuuming around the unit regularly and changing the filter monthly or whatever time-frame is recommended by the manufacturer.
Leaving old filters to sit for too long will add stress to the compressor and can eventually result in mechanical failures. Not only that, the dirt and debris will get recirculated through your home which can cause allergies and disease. It’s also important to do additional fire cleaning on heaters, radiators, and warm-air registers, while also ensuring they’re not blocked.

Maintenance Before Cold Weather

Many homeowners call a professional to do a yearly inspection and fire cleaning on their furnace before the heating season to confirm the system is clean and performing in the most efficient way possible. Here are a few steps you can take yourself to keep your bills low while staying warm:

Calibrate the thermostat. The correct calibration can be lost from excess dirt or being moved around. A furnace maintenance professional can check this annually, or you can replace it with a computerized one.
Clean and adjust the burners to improve efficiency, and check for any rust accumulation.
Reverse ceiling fans to a clockwise rotation to help push warm air down, especially if you have tall ceilings.
Seal any air leaks and all air ducts, especially in the attic or crawl spaces. Metal tape and insulation can temporarily save an aging duct system.

It’s good to get into the habit of allowing a professional to service your furnace once per year. Waiting until the end of the heating season (the off-season) may give you faster service at a slight discount. If you have endured some home damage due to a furnace issue, smoke cleaning and remediation services are available that can usually clean up the mess to almost as good as new.

What You Need To Know Before Cleaning Up Water Damage

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

A basement building flooded Commercial flooded basement in Arcadia,OK

Water is an essential resource, but it can be destructive when it flows where it doesn’t belong. When water damages your business, it is important to determine the source of the problem. This discussion of three common sources may help you decide how to proceed with your structural and content cleaning.

Facility-Related Water

When damage is caused by a water source within your building, it may have originated from one of these sources:

  • Your refrigerator or water heater leaks.
  • A pipe carrying clean water bursts in your building.
  • A dishwasher or specialized piece of equipment leaks water that may be contaminated with chemicals, soil or food.
  • A toilet overflows or a sewer backs up, releasing sewage into your structure.

If the water potentially contains toxic chemicals or sewage, it is considered to be dangerous. Consulting a water remediation specialist will be required to safely facilitate the content cleaning and restoration. Facility-related damage is likely covered by your insurance, so contacting your agent promptly is recommended.


When hail, rain or snowmelt enters your building through a broken window or leaking roof, it is considered stormwater. If the water hasn’t touched the ground and is due to a weather event, it falls into this category. Stormwater damage generally requires a professional cleanup service as well as home repairs. Your business insurance will generally cover the expense for stormwater restoration.


If rising floodwater enters your building at ground level or below, it is termed black water and is considered highly contaminated. Floodwater can contain chemicals, sewage and other hazards. If you have flood-related damage, it is necessary to enlist a restoration specialist for the building and content cleaning process. For this water restoration cost to be covered, you would need to have purchased a separate insurance policy for flooding, prior to the incident.
When water from a flood or other source damages your Arcadia, OK, business, the origin of the water will determine the best cleanup plan and the type of insurance coverage that applies. It will take some time, but before you know it, your company will be back to business as usual.

What Can I Do If a Broken Pipe Flooded the Furnace?

6/25/2024 (Permalink)

Furnace flood A furnace flood can happen and cause damage in your property

Things That Must Happen To Get Your Business Back to Normal

Although it is not something most people ever consider, a furnace flood can happen, and it can cause considerable damage if not treated promptly. If you find a pool of water around your furnace, you will need to take immediate action to minimize damage to your property. As a business owner in Hibsaw, OK, you may want to hire a professional remediation company to clean up the mess. Here are several things that must happen to get your business back to normal.

1. Stop the Flow of Water The most important thing you can do to minimize the damage from a flooded furnace is to stop the flow of water. You can do this by shutting off the main water valve.

2. Extract the Water Now that you have stopped the water from the furnace flood, you can see how much water there is left to clean up. If it is only a little, you may be able to use a towel or mop to clean up the moisture. However, if it is more than a little, you may need to hire a professional remediation company to extract the water using specialized equipment.

3. Determine the Extent of the Water Damage Water can easily seep between cracks and into porous surfaces. This can lead to problems in drywall, subfloors, and other materials. A moisture meter can be used to identify water inside these areas.

4. Remove Unsalvageable Items There may be some objects that have sustained enough water damage that they will need to be replaced. These items can be identified and removed before the drying process begins.

5. Dry the Area It is important to dry out the area as quickly as possible so that mold does not have a chance to form. Professional drying equipment can be used to speed up this process.

As a business owner, you may want to hire professionals to clean up a furnace flood as quickly as possible. To help avoid this problem from ever occurring, make sure you are maintaining your furnace and performing air duct cleaning.

Rainstorm Damages Your Edmund Home

4/8/2024 (Permalink)

Flood water affected kitchen floor, cabinets, and walls This flooded kitchen was caused by a torrential rainstorm

Storms can impact your Edmund home in several ways.  Hurricanes or torrential rainstorms can cause flooding.  Standing or rising water inside your Edmund home can cause significant damage.  SERVPRO® of Edmund and Midwest City is the right restoration company to quickly remove the water, dry your home, and repair the flood damage. 

When flood water enters your home, it can impact almost every surface. Drywall and wood can become swollen with water. Fabrics and upholstery may become stained and moldy. These are just a few of the ways that water can impact your home.  All water damaged materials will need to be dried or removed before the repair work can begin. Some items may be salvaged, but others will need to be replaced. The best results will be from a restoration company that is focused on restoring the property to its preloss condition.

You want a certified restoration company to perform the repairs after a storm.  Companies that are active with the Edmund Chamber of Commerce.  Companies that are certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification.  SERVPRO of Edmund and Midwest City is active in both of these organizations.  Additionally, act quickly to schedule service. 

When you contact a restoration company, ask about availability. The company ideally will offer around-the-clock service. You have a short amount of time to dry your home before the potential risk for mold.  A timely response is imperative. In addition, inquire about the steps the company will take to follow through on the work.  Ask about what the finished results look like.  Finally, what is the expected time frame for the project. Flood damage repair can be significant, and the process may be lengthy.

SERVPRO of Edmund and Midwest City should be your first choice for any residential or commercial fire damage.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, and respond quickly to restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Edmund and Midwest City is available 24/7 by calling 405-330-2095

Use SERVPRO® to Board Up Your Commercial Property After a Fire

4/3/2024 (Permalink)

Firemen spray water on commercial building to extinguish fire A Commercial building on fire in Edmund. This building will need board up services from SERVPRO of Edmund and Midwest City

It can be difficult to determine where to begin cleaning up after a fire.  When you have experienced a fire disaster in Edmund, one of the first steps to consider is boarding up your commercial building.  Dealing with fire damage is devastating enough without the threat of added problems like looting.  Therefore, it is important to request help from SERVPRO® of Edmund and Midwest City.  Our professionals can ensure that your commercial building stays protected. Board-up services are designed to safeguard your property and belongings from other forces at work, whether human or environmental, and there are many benefits to acquiring these services for your commercial property.

Boarding up your commercial property helps prevent thieves and vandals from entering.  Unfortunately, there are many people who try to profit off a disaster.  Seeing an easy opening into a building through broken windows or doors is simply an invitation for these individuals.  Boarding up any entrances while your property is vacant will help keep looters away until repairs completed.

Boarding up your commercial property guards against the weather causing more damage.  If open areas of your building are hit by a rainstorm or intense winds, you will be forced to contend with more than just fire damage. Covering these openings with plywood helps to eliminate any chance of additional damage.  Preventing additional damage can save you money and time.

Insurance companies often require property owners to utilize board-up services.  Following their advice can help you get greater coverage if the damage is proven to be solely from the fire.  Your insurance carrier is  not likely to pay for additional damage from outside forces. They could consider giving you less coverage overall for not following procedure.

Keep your commercial property in Edmond protected by using SERVPRO of Edmund and Midwest City to board up after a fire.  Using SERVPRO will help prevent looting and additional damage to your property.

SERVPRO of Edmund and Midwest City should be your first choice for any residential or commercial fire damage.  Our team of professionals is trained to assess the damage, identify potential threats, and respond quickly to restore your property to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Edmund is available 24/7 by calling 

How Clean Your Dryer Vents in 3 Easy Steps

2/18/2024 (Permalink)

Horizontal photo of female hand taking the lint out from dirty air filter of the drying machine Unblocking the lint screen is the most important step towards preventing a dryer fire

Basic Steps In Maintaining A Dryer

A well-maintained dryer offers many benefits to its owner. The heating elements last longer, clothes dry faster and you get to avoid a lint fire. It is also worth noting that dryer maintenance is a DIY level project that requires only a few minutes to complete.
Here are the basic steps to maintaining a dryer that every homeowner in Edmond, OK should know

Cleaning the Lint Screen
Doing a deep clean of the vents
Completing a deep clean of the interior

1. Cleaning the Lint Screen
Unblocking the lint screen is the most important step towards preventing a dryer fire. Grab the screen and pull it out until it’s fully extended or entirely removed. Then use soap and water to clean it until there’s no more blockage. While you’re at it, vacuum the empty lint trap to get rid of any debris before inserting the lint screen. This process should be repeated after every use to avoid fire damage.

2. Doing a Deep Clean of the Vents
First of all, disconnect the dryer from power then use a screwdriver to loosen the clamps that attach the vent to the exhaust. Use a cleaning brush to remove the lint balls in the pipe. Then snake the wall vent before reassembling the appliance.

3. Completing a Deep Clean of the Interior Dryer
Clean the dryer interior every six months to prevent nasty surprises. You’ll need to unplug the dryer then open the back panel so you can vacuum the interior. The idea is to rid of any dirt, lint, and debris that may affect the machine’s performance or cause a lint fire.
There’s nothing more painful than realizing you could have easily prevented a house fire. A lint fire is one of those situations that can be avoided by regular DIY maintenance. So, make dryer cleaning a habit and also share this info with friends and family.

Water Damage Restoration

1/3/2024 (Permalink)

Flood cut performed in a home Water damage restoration in Arcadia

Water damage to your Arcadia, OK, home can be a major problem. Fortunately, acting quickly can help prevent further damage, including mold growth.


There are many ways water can damage your home. The following are some of the most common:

  • Broken pipes
  • Leaking roof
  • Storm damage
  • Malfunctioning appliances

Homeowner's insurance will cover most types of damage caused by water, but for damage caused by flooding you will need flood insurance. Before any damage occurs, talk to your insurance agent to make sure you have the right type of insurance and the right amount of coverage for your home and belongings.

Restoration Process
If your home suffers water damage, remember that mold can begin to grow within 24 hours. It is important to begin the water cleanup process as soon as possible. First, extract all standing water using a specialized pump or vacuum. If necessary, you can also use buckets to scoop out the water. After this step, there will still be water in porous items, such as carpeting and upholstery. Dry out the remaining water using fans and dehumidifiers. If the humidity outside is low, you can open windows and doors to increase air flow. Next, clean and sanitize all affected surfaces. The source of the water will determine the type of cleaner that you should use. Throw out everything that cannot be fully cleaned and dried. You may need to consult a professional to make this determination. Depending on the extent of the damage and amount of water present, the drying process can take days or weeks. Finally, repair and replace all damaged items. Some repairs you may be able to do yourself, but delicate items, such as antiques and electronics, may need professional restoration.
Cleaning up water damage can be a complex process. If you feel overwhelmed, a certified restoration company can help you get your home back to normal quickly and safely.

What To Do When a Toilet Overflows in Your Home

11/3/2023 (Permalink)

Removing water by mopping the floor Remove the standing water by using mops

How to React To a Toilet Overflow 

Toilet overflows are a common problem that affect many homes in Oklahoma City, throughout the year and often result in sewer damage. It can be useful to know how to react to a toilet overflow before one occurs in your home.

1. Turn Off and Remove the Water

To prevent water from spreading in your bathroom and to other areas of your home, it’s often wise to turn off the toilet’s water supply. Generally, the sooner you can turn off the water supply, the less damage that will occur. Once the water has been turned off, it’s normally best to remove any standing water by using mops or towels. Quickly removing water will make it easier to fix the issue with the toilet and can help to prevent mold growth.

2. Unclog the Toilet

After you have taken steps to prevent sewer damage by turning off the water and drying the floor and area surrounding your toilet, you can shift your focus to unclogging the toilet. You can normally fix a clogged toilet with a plunger, but if your plunger isn’t fixing the problem, you may want to consider using an auger. Generally, your toilet should work normally after it has been unclogged.

3. Know When To Call In Professionals

If you are unable to unclog your toilet on your own, if your flooded toilet has caused major water damage or if your toilet commonly overflows, it may be necessary to contact a sewage company that can help to fix the issue. Additionally, it can be helpful to contact local water restoration specialists if you suspect that major damage has occurred or if there has been standing water in your home for several days.

Knowing how to react to common problems in the home, such as toilet overflows, is useful for every homeowner. Turning off and removing water, unclogging the toilet if you are able and calling professionals when necessary can help you manage the issue and prevent sewer damage.